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when load balancing, how to deal with downed nodes?

Posted by mrhua 
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when load balancing, how to deal with downed nodes?
January 08, 2010 04:29PM

We are big fans of nginx, and are replacing other web servers with it.

We are seeing one problem, it seems. We have ngix load balancing between server-A and server-B.

There is a problem with server-B, and we frequently have to take it offline. As I understand it, when server-B is offline, nginx will discover this, and stop trying to send traffic to server-B ; just send to server-A.

However, the log files are filled with "connection refused" going to server-B.

Is there a way to configure ngxinx so that it will dynamically remove server-B when it's "down" and re-add server-B to the pool when it's back up?

Thanks so much!

Re: when load balancing, how to deal with downed nodes?
January 08, 2010 04:40PM
Have you looked at http://labs.frickle.com/nginx_ngx_supervisord/. It may accomplish the task.

Jim Ohlstein

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