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Reverse Proxy in AWS EC2 instance

Posted by TechWiz92 
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Reverse Proxy in AWS EC2 instance
May 24, 2023 06:27PM
Hello Nginx community, I am new trying to set up a reverse proxy using Nginx to bypass geolocation restric web content. I know I can use a VPN to bypass the restrictions, but I am studying to become a network engineer and I am trying to acquire new skills.

I intend to use the IP of the reverse proxy in the Firefox network configurations to route the traffic.

I created an EC2 instance in AWS, with ubuntu server installed and I have run the following commands:
1. sudo apt update
2. sudo apt install nginx
3. sudo systemctl start nginx
4. sudo systemctl status nginx
5. sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
Inside the server block I have added:
"location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
6. sudo nginx -t
7. sudo systemctl restart nginx

But then after researching I have found I needed an SSL/TLS certificate for HTTPS connections so I bought a domain in Namecheap and set up the dns servers in AWS Route 53 and ran the following commands:

8. sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
9. sudo certbot --nginx

I am stuck here and I don't know what to do. I have checked online dns propragation tools and they can find my domain.

Can you help?

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