Hi everyone! Could someone tell me whatt is the differences between this: location ~ /(archives|fallen) { autoindex on; auth_basic "Restricted Area for Private Use Only"; auth_basic_user_file /usr/local/nginx/conf/passwords; } and this one: location /(archives|fallen) { autoindex on; auth_basic "Restricted Area for Private Usby gencer - Migration from Other Servers
http://www.anilcetin.com/convert-apache-htaccess-to-nginx/by gencer - Migration from Other Servers
Hi, Is anoyone can convert these lines for me please? I just convert other basic htaccess lines. Only these are need to be converted. RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^mail$ /Index/mail.php RewriteRule ^mail/index.php([^/]*)$ /Index/mail.php$1 RewriteRule ^mail/([^/]*)$ /Index/mail.php$1 RewriteRule ^/?([^/][^\./]*)[:;,\.]*$ /Index/home.php?profile=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} Thank yoby gencer - Migration from Other Servers
Hi, We recently created a server using fresh installation and compiled NGINX and tested all features of it. (including SSL, HTTP etc.) But we have a question regrading to usage of NGINX. Is FastCGI stable as mod_php of Apache. DO WE REALLY need to use apache proxy? People seem to be using this method instead of NGINX's way. This just confused us. I'm on NGINX. I do not want to use Apacby gencer - Migration from Other Servers