Hello, I would like to completely discard (not buffer, queue or respond to) any POST request from a user within 500ms (preferably cookie based maybe?) I've looked at https://www.nginx.com/blog/rate-limiting-nginx/ but not sure it "fits". Basically, nginx is sitting in front of phpbb forum software, and it looks like when someone accidentally double-clicks (usually between 100-200ms)by talkingnews - How to...
So you know I said I'd tried every pattern? Well I went back, CTRL-Z in the editor and I found that actually I had skipped one: This DOES work! location ~* \.(pl|cgi|py|sh|lua|log|md5)$ { return 444; } What had happened was that I hadn't noticed that I had left the )\$ on from another example. Question: What is the purpose of that )\$ at the end of the closing bracket? I gotby talkingnews - How to...
I want to block some sensitive files, especially all *.log files wherever they occur. So, I copied and pasted the following example, right into the very first rule. location ~* \.(pl|cgi|py|sh|lua|log|md5)\$ { return 444; } Restarted nginx - could still get to file. Found various other examples, some on the nginx wiki, some on StackOverflow - I modified all the examples to inclby talkingnews - How to...
OK.... mind... blown! It seems to work. I've tried lots of different things in the admin, and it all just... works. Just with those few lines you gave me. But... how does it know?? This is nginx magic at its best! Just one more question: I found someone else had a go at an nginx config: https://gist.github.com/bnaydenov/413956374c3123bc354b - as you can see, again, it is massiveby talkingnews - Migration from Other Servers
Thanks - out on mobile and will try in morning - but that looks like a very default config - how will it "know" to do those rewrites? Anyway, I'll see what happens, debug and report back when stuck! Thanks again.by talkingnews - Migration from Other Servers
Thanks - yes, these configs have nothing to do with me. They are merely the ones found by following the nginx wiki and also the SuiteCRM forum. According to the page I linked to (http://www.dontesta.it/blog/en/blog-2/crm/configure-nginx-sugarcrm/) the rewrites are there because a REST API in SuiteCRM. The page gives a link to the original Apache .htaccess which are below. As you say, it doesby talkingnews - Migration from Other Servers
In https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/ there's a link to an example for SugarCRM which leads to https://www.howtoforge.com/running-sugarcrm-community-edition-on-nginx-lemp-on-debian-squeeze-ubuntu-11.04. However, that config won't work on the current version of Sugar/Suite CRM (SuiteCRM is a fork of SugarCRM so the base code is the same) At the foot of that howtoforge page is a noteby talkingnews - Migration from Other Servers
Just installed Ubuntu 15.04 and rather surprised to see it's still giving nginx-extras (1.6.2-5ubuntu3) So I added the recommended official repo as per http://nginx.org/en/linux_packages.html#mainline deb http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/ubuntu/ vivid nginx except, vivid gave a "not found" so I tried deb http://nginx.org/packages/mainline/ubuntu/ utopic nginx which hby talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Right, sorted! https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1403054 New nginx-extras mainline is now available to fix the bug - my good deed for the day :)by talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
For anyone following this, I had a reply on the repo bug ticket saying: > I just downloaded nginx_1.7.8-1+utopic1.debian.tar.gz sources from PPA and it looks that unfortunately it doesn't use the latest version of the module. Please contact PPA package maintainer (teward) and ask him to update it. So, I've just done that - I'll let you know what the outcome is - thanks!by talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Valentin V. Bartenev Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > https://github.com/FRiCKLE/ngx_cache_purge/blob/master/CHANGES > > Since you're using a lot of 3rd-party modules it's a good idea to > update them too. Not sure how I can do this when I'm using http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/development/ubuntu utopic main As far as I can see, the nginx-eby talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello; for many months I've been running the config shown here: https://rtcamp.com/wordpress-nginx/tutorials/single-site/fastcgi-cache-with-purging/ This morning, I apt-get upgraded and got nginx 1.7.8 and a load of dead sites. running nginx -t gave me a segmentation fault (core dumped) error. After a whole load of panicking and commenting one line out at a time, I finally tracked it downby talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
x64architecture Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The nginx-extras package is only available in the nginx ppa. The > official nginx package only provides a vanilla nginx install (no third > party modules). Ah, OK. Thank you. Bad news then. If the nginx ppa has stopped updating, then I guess the only option is for me to get familiar with custom builds.by talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Aleksandar Lazic Wrote: > Why don't using the nginx one? I would love to, but I tried before and I couldn't install nginx-extras, and I still don't see nginx-extras in the repo. Am I missing something? I rely heavily on several of the modules compiled into extras, so this is crucial for me. Which is why I switched to the Ubuntu repo, but now they have stopped building :(by talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
For a while I was quite happily using the ubuntu nginx ppa repo to get my nginx mainline fix (https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/ubuntu/development) However, for some weeks now, it seems to have become inactive and "stuck" on 1.7.1. I've tried emailing some of the names connected with it - either no response, or "sorry, not involved any more". I've even tried changiby talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
sarahnovotny Wrote: > I’d like to offer a MONSTER thank you to talkingnews and tsbolzonello > for helping battle the wiki spam. The least I can do in return for this great nginx server! email sent :) > Next up is going through the existing content to audit and update the > remaining pages. If any of you are interested in helping and have > trouble editing, please sby talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Click this: http://wiki.nginx.org/index.php?title=Special:Search&limit=500&offset=0&redirs=1&profile=default&search=a+ See the problem?! I stopped counting at 500 pages. It gets kinda tedious searching for info to end up wading through wedding dress and SEO spam and finding out "how to finger you woman". I can't seem to do anything except "blank" the pby talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Thanks for the replies, and especially to Francis for clearly differentiating the aspects and responsibilities of the NGiͶX "flow", if I can call it that. The only remaining confusion comes with the provided nginx config files which appear to contradict best practice (as well as setting up parameters which don't even exist!) , but I now realise and acknowledge that this will be an isby talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi BR and thank you for your reply. You said: > Where does the 'sites-available' directory of nginx came from? Standard "apt-get install nginx" on Ubunutu. Stable and mainline. Like Apache, 'sites-available' contains all sites, then you can symlink to 'sites-enabled' for running sites. It's just the Ubuntu way :) > There is no such DOCUMENT_URI server variable in PHP &by talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hmm, well according to the footer, this forum runs Phorum, which runs BBcode. So this should be bold and this should be italic and this should be code format. Unless something is misconfigured or broken of course. Let's click "post" and see :) EDIT: OK, there's my answer - something is broken :(by talkingnews - Site Suggestions
I'd call myself very much a beginner with NGiNX, but I've been looking further through the documentation, particularly the http://wiki.nginx.org/Pitfalls page, and now I'm left with confusion! This page http://wiki.nginx.org/PHPFcgiExample says "This guide run fine on php.ini cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 (the default). Some guide insist to change it to cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0 but doing that make PHPby talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Richard Kearsley Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > On 20/10/13 11:00, talkingnews wrote: > I'm not sure if there's a way within APT to see the version before > installing it, but if you look directly in the 'Packages' file it says > : > > Package: nginx > Version: 1.4.3-1~raring Ah, does this mean it's OK to just put the raring(13.04by talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
I seem to be "stuck" on the 5 month old nginx 1.4.1 on my Ubuntu 13.04. But reading the 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) Ubuntu repo notes, I see it's STILL that version. So I found this post: http://www.devcu.com/forums/topic/633-upgrade-nginx-to-latest-stable-release-ubuntu-1204/ It says to replace "raring" (or whatever) with the latest release. But if I look at http://nginxby talkingnews - Nginx Mailing List - English
Found the solution at another forums. To cut a long story short, the pyrocms nginx example at http://docs.pyrocms.com/2.1/manual/index.php/general/getting-started/alternate-server-environments/nginx-with-php-fpm needs tweaking: Firstly, the dots should be escaped: So location ~ .php { should be location ~ \.php { Also, instead of being served up "straight", for some reby talkingnews - How to...
I'm using a module in PyroCMS called Pyrostreams. Everything about the entire setup works fine, except it appears to be trying to call a couple of files from a "virtual" directory, which doesn't exist. Here's the log entry: "GET /streams_core/field_asset/css/datetime/datepicker.css HTTP/1.1" 404 The file actually exists in /www/cms/system/cms/modules/streams_coby talkingnews - How to...
I'm using a system called ISPconfig to manage my sites, and then "hand coding" in some redirects afterwards. The system automates everything in the config up until the location ~ \.php$ { block, after which you can add more directives. I have: /weather/index.html ... and a few other subdomain roots. I also have /subdomainscript/index.php as a catchall which allows me toby talkingnews - How to...
I'm sorry I can't answer your question, but I have a similar problem with an almost-identical setup. Here's my details! I've got extremely slow Wordpress under ISPConfig, but unlike the post above, it's the back end only. I updated to WP 3.3 this morning, but still the same. The strange thing is, I'm running a personal WP install on a free "tiny" instance on Amazon S3 withby talkingnews - Other discussion
If there was a like or +1 button for that, I'd have just clicked it! Thanks!by talkingnews - How to...
I followed this guide: http://sleepycode.com/2010/11/disabling-php-files-in-wordpress-upload-when-using-nginx/ But the way he did it seemed to repeat a lot of code. I have about 8 locations from which ONLY image files should be downloaded. This is what I now have in my conf file - is this valid, safe, and the best way of doing things? The only way I can think to do this is to try for a nby talkingnews - How to...
Hi Locojohn, Thanks very much for this info - I had a real big problem over the weekend related to this, and, with a couple of changes, your script above helped me a lot. See http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?9,219565,219600#msg-219600 for how I did it. Thanks again - very useful post.by talkingnews - How to...