is there a setting for nginx when you set access_log that you can set premissions at the same time? for right now it is rw-r----- on all log files in /var/log/nginx and I need it to be rw-r--r--by sjark - How to...
I install nginx on my Centos 6.5 x86_64 I used the repo But how do I add pagespeed? I really like to keep using yum to keep my nginx upto sjark - How to...
Create a static HTML file and test the speed to that and see what latency you get. if it is the php-fpm try playing around with pm = static and how meny pm.max_children you need. In events just to be safe add use kqueue; add worker_rlimit_nofile 4096; also check the error.log for nginx and see if you have a problem there. also you might like to checkout php-apc too to cache your php sjark - Migration from Other Servers
Try to change the pool settings for php-fpm to pm = static pm.max_children = 100 or how meney children you need. php-fpm sems more stable under static also check your apc.shm_size / apc.max_file_size in php.ini or where it is saved at. Take a look at they have a nice nginx with sjark - How to...
Try somthing like this server { listen 80; server_name; root /home/www/; include fpm.conf; location = /blog{ include fpm.conf; alias /home/www/blog/index.php; } location = /cloud{ include fpm.conf; alias /home/www/owncloud/index.php; } } fpm.conf is the php-fpm sjark - How to...
If you use php-fpm check your pool settings pm and pm.max_children I use pm = static I feel it response way faster then the other two options when I sjark - Other discussion
I like to limit_req for a url ex. if someone request somthing that have show=list I like to have a limit like max 1 request every sec. bin trying something like this but I can get it to work. with out it takes all like show=item http{ map $arg_show $list_limit { default $binary_remote_addr; } limit_req_zone $aby sjark - Other discussion
Have you checked this page? sjark - Migration from Other Servers
Is there a way to display connection and what file that connection is accessing? like IP: File: /var/www/index.php?index=siteby sjark - Ideas and Feature Requests
check out this two pages they help me alot! and to show errors for php with nginx and php-fpm you need to change /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini display_errors = Off to display_errors = On and restart php-fpmby sjark - Migration from Other Servers
Right now I use the example from but it don't show "The current hosts and requests being processed" like Apache do is there a way to get a list like that? as if you hadde ExtendedStatus On in mod_status for sjark - Nginx Mailing List - English
Got everything working now. Was trying to get everything under one "server {" insted of split it up. Thanks for helping me out all :)by sjark - Nginx Mailing List - English
Thanks that works! one more question can I do something like this if $host = '' and $arg_index = "" then it should go to if it go to Tryed to replayed AND with & or && but it just give me a error "configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed" and I amby sjark - Nginx Mailing List - English
Same problem I get this error in chrome 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): server { listen 80 default; server_name; root /home/www/mysite; include standard.conf; #php-fpm settings location = / { rewrite ^ /?index=site&id=1? permanent; } }by sjark - Nginx Mailing List - English
I Need help with if someone enter it redirect to when I try it just loop and adds site.php?site=1 till it failsby sjark - Nginx Mailing List - English
Was it something like this you where looking for? if ($host = '') {rewrite ^ permanent;}by sjark - How to...
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*) RewriteRule ^/$ /?index=group&id=2&%1 How do I convert that to nginx?by sjark - Migration from Other Servers