I tried to setup a Centos machine (tried 7.0 Core and 7.2 Core). After the OS has been installed performed yum install epel-release and yum install nginx I can see that the default path of the nginx.conf is under /etc/nginx/nginx.conf Tried to modify the path by removing the original path (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf) to a new path (/usr/local/nginx/config/nginx.conf) but after modifying theby jepoytengco - Migration from Other Servers
Hi, our 301 redirection server has been working since the past weeks, just yesterday we've found out that it has not been doing its task in redirecting the sites. Below is part of the config file to redirect a site server { server_name <cname address> <users input address i.e: www.sample.com; rewrite ^/(.*)$ http://<output or redirected address.com>/$1 permanentby jepoytengco - How to...
Hi, we have some websites that we would like nginx service to redirect them to an alternative website. everything's setup properly like we've created a cname redirecting to a different website which is setup in nginx as well. When I ping the website (suppose to be redirected), it detects the nginx server IP, so meaning to say, it is resolving using the nginx server or nginx redirection server.by jepoytengco - How to...
Hi, I've been learning Linux OS in the past few weeks and my first project was to install Apache Tomcat for it to act as a web server. I was successful in installing it (thanks for the CentOS forum's help) and I was able to host the webpage. I've read some articles about Nginx and I've read that it can handle more concurrent connections better than Apache? (Correct me if I'm wrong). Anyway, 1stby jepoytengco - How to...
Hi, I'm new to nginx, I just discovered Nginx from my new company where I work and found out that they're not the typical company who uses Microsoft products, they're more on Apache, Nginx, etc. So it's kind of learning time again for Linux, Apache and Nginx. I might asked a lot of questions since technically I'm a newbie. I hope the GURU's have the patience to answer my questions, Regards, Jby jepoytengco - New Member Introductions