Change the process manager in the php-fpm pool to ondemand, you probably have it set to static right now. On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:18 AM, Monster wrote: > Hi there, > > I am using Cherokee web server and try to set up a shared hosting > environment. In Cherokee every virtual host gets it's own *information > source* that starts a php-fpm child-process using: *php5-fpmby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
We prefer one pool per site. It allows you to use the chroot features per site, and add a small, but extra layer of separation. You can also change pool sizes per site, so if one site has more traffic, you could give it more workers, and the others less. On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Oleksandr Drach <>wrote: > Dear Community, > > We want to host multipleby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
All we use is nginx + php-fpm.. nginx runs as a reverse proxy load balancer to other nginx servers which talk to php-fpm. On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 5:07 AM, Jérôme Loyet <> wrote: > I don't know if it's popular (I bet it is) but it works like a charm and > is production ready. I'm using it for site generating several gbps without > any problem. > > ++ Jeromby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Hi Jim, So a few questions/suggestions. 1. In our experiences here, the culprit here is usually long standing database queries. When you hit 200 requests/sec, do you also see a lot of processes in mysql or your database? 2. Change your default value for max socket connections in /etc/sysctl.conf to net.core.somaxconn , by default it's 1024.. you may need it to be higher. We use net.core.somaxcoby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
you should be able to do /etc/init.d/php-fpm reload instead of a restart, and it'll reload in place and pick up any new pools as well. Drawback is some changes on the filesystem may not get picked up by APC. On Friday, November 16, 2012 at 1:17 PM, CPH wrote: > I am working on hosting sites using nginx and and php-fpm on centos. For security I want each site I setup to have its own php-fpby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
CT, I'm glad that helped. Tweak those as you need, but if the defaults aren't working out for you for a vanilla install, then there may be a bigger issue. PS: Glad you've heard good things about us :) On Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 10:11 AM, ct_roy wrote: > Hey Vid, > > Forgot to say thanks for the additional suggestions re: fastcgi buffers - they're making a bit of a diffeby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Have you seen this page? Things you may want to mess with are below.. read that page, understand what the vars mean and apply for your app accordingly. fastcgi_connect_timeout 60; fastcgi_send_timeout 180; fastcgi_read_timeout 1200; fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0; fastcgi_buffers 512 32k; fastcgi_buffer_size 64k; -- Vid Luther CEO and Founder Ziby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
are you sure that the php script itself isn't timing out in terms of hitting max execution time? can you share your nginx fastcgi_params? -- Vid Luther Sent with Sparrow ( On Monday, October 22, 2012 at 7:57 AM, ct_roy wrote: > Hey Felipe, > > Thanks for your input. > > I've switched between sockets and tcp and found no real differenceby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Hi, Me again.. so I have the chroot stuff almost done. I ran into an interesting problem today though.. when we try to use curl to make an outbound https connection, we get an nss error. I've googled all over, and found an an unanswered question on Stackoverflow The error we're getting specifically is as follows.. aby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Does anyone have a base set of files that are needed to get the chroot directive for php-fpm to work properly? At first I had issues with the timezone, and I had to copy /etc/localtime and /usr/share/zoneinfo into the chrooted directory. Now, I'm having trouble resolving dns, I've tried the /etc/resolve.conf, /lib64/libnss_* files.. but I'm still having issues. I can't be the first person to ruby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Jerome, I've tried this on CentOS 6.3, and Ubuntu 12.04. On both I get the error Fatal error: date(): Timezone database is corrupt - this should *never* happen! in /test.php on line 8 The nginx config for the virtual host is here The php.defaults it wants is here I used the default www.conf as it comes with the RPMs. With the onby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Jerome, I've tried this on CentOS 6.3, and Ubuntu 12.04. On both I get the error Fatal error: date(): Timezone database is corrupt - this should *never* happen! in /test.php on line 8 The nginx config for the virtual host is here The php.defaults it wants is here I used the default www.conf as it comes with the RPby vidluther - Php-fpm Mailing List - English