I'm trying to set up nginx to reverse proxy for our CDN to prevent unauthorized access to raw video feeds. The idea is to restrict it to a set user-agent and referer, and if doesn't match, to instead call the page for that video. I would also like it to cache said video objects as well as any other cachable objects, and to just pass other URLs through to origin. Here's my config so far:by jwilson - Nginx Mailing List - English
To avoid SEO issues on my subdomains, I need to add a "Link" header to support Google's canonical header. The format is as follows (from http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2011/06/supporting-relcanonical-http-headers.html): Link: http://www.example.com/white-paper.html; rel="canonical" So, the add_header command would need to reference $uri, but it also needs a sby jwilson - Nginx Mailing List - English
We have a very typical setup - HAProxy forwarding to nginx, which then proxies to PHP-FPM. The issue we have is figuring out the remote client IP. Setting REMOTE_ADDR to $http_x_forwarded_for works fine for HTTP traffic, but fails on HTTPS traffic (ie. it's blank.) Is there a way to figure out the remote address for SSL connections?by jwilson - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
I have a server set up with nginx and PHP-FPM, running a framework that essentially sends all requests for content to PHP, which then serves it based on ACL rules. This includes images and other static content. What I am trying to figure out is how I can get nginx to cache such objects to avoid the call to PHP for identical data, ie. a static image that hasn't changed. Since all these calby jwilson - Nginx Mailing List - English