after struggling for almost a week on this I feel I need to reach out for assistance . Please Help I am trying to deploy my project to a production environment In terms of permissions I have read all the forums changed all permissions i.e. 777 etc etc srwxrwxrwx uwsgi.sock (owned by me full access ) !! I've checked over and over all the directory structures etc. Ive swtiched from unixby sandyman - Nginx Mailing List - English
2 hours later still struggling but getting some error logs now location /foo { return 200 "yikes ";} returns yikes .. however returns 502 log file states either uwsgi.sock failed (13: Permission denied) 664 and owned by me or (111: Connection refused) when chmod 777 and owned by meby sandyman - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hello Francis , Thank you for your help this far what happened was I Set DEBUG=True in Django settings , and urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns() this allowed the files to be served in a non secure setting I'm back to where I started. I added to my config location = /test-this/ { return 200 "Yes, this is correct\n"; } I stopped and started nginx , and restartedby sandyman - Nginx Mailing List - English
error logs and access logs contain nothing As it is a hosting company i don't seem to have priviliges to enable debugginh I'm not allowed to sudo error_log logs/error.log; access_log logs/access.log;by sandyman - Nginx Mailing List - English
Django settings STATICFILES_DIRS = STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static') STATIC_ROOT = '/home/sandyman/production/django_project/assets/' STATIC_URL = '/assets/' local machine example file /home/sandyman/development/django_project/css/bootstrap.min.css Template {% load staticfiles %} href="{% static "css/bootstrap.min.css" %}" Production enby sandyman - Nginx Mailing List - English