Nevermind my previous post. I solved it finally :) location /foo { rewrite_by_lua ' res = ngx.location.capture("/bar", {method = ngx.HTTP_POST, body = "jjj"}) res = ngx.location.capture("/bar", {method = ngx.HTTP_POST, body = res.body}) ngx.print(res.body) '; } location /bar { proxyby abhinanda - Nginx Mailing List - English
Still no luck. Here's my config: upstream wservers { server localhost:8001 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=2s weight=100; server localhost:8002 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=2s weight=100; } server { location /foo { rewrite_by_lua ' ngx.print("yay") '; proxy_pass http://wservers; } location /bar { proxy_pass http://wsby abhinanda - Nginx Mailing List - English
Thanks! I tried ngx_lua but I might've been doing something wrong. It complained that I am not allowed to use "proxy_pass" following a content rewrite. To make it even simpler, here's a simplified example: - curl -X POST --data "ABCD" localhost:8080 - an NGINX module that calls a custom C function to alter the string, say "a[1]+=5", so now we have "AGCDby abhinanda - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi, Any info on this? I've been trying a ton of ways to achieve this but it seems like I'm really lost. To repeat with clarity, I need to operate on the request body first, modify it and THEN send it off to upstream servers with the modified content. Any pointers must help. Please :) Abhishekby abhinanda - Nginx Mailing List - English
Hi, I am new to nginx module development and I'm working on my first ever module. I've read up Evan Miller's post besides others, and I've experimented tweaking some simple modules. From what I understand, proxy_pass module is a handler and we can effectively have just one handler run on a request. What I need is to do some work with the content before I send a request to the upstream serverby abhinanda - Nginx Mailing List - English
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