Can't tell atm. if a timeout forces a node to become offline but 60s is still along time to wait (and decide) without actually knowing if a node is overloaded (it might be just busy which does not always mean overloaded). There are tools for fi. edge routers which polls a status page to decide to change routing or not, in your case you first need to determine what exactly the conditions are forby itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
You may have to resort to Lua (openresty) and periodically perform via a sub request a query which should indicate how fast an upstream is and decide weather to take it offline (which also can be done with Lua).by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
2018/04/05 13:45:15 2708#4940: *8 http proxy status 401 "401 Unauthorized" 2018/04/05 13:45:15 2708#4940: *8 http proxy header: "X-message-code: PWD_WRONG" 2018/04/05 13:45:15 2708#4940: *8 http proxy header: "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Password""by itpp2012 - How to...
ssh <> http, so why are you trying to pass the ssh protocol via http ?by itpp2012 - How to...
Not waiting for fsync to complete makes calling fsync pointless, waiting for fsync is blocking, thread based or otherwise. The only midway solution is to implement fsync as a cgi, ea. a none-blocking (background)fc call in combination with an OS resource itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
2018/02/17 12:46:28 15406#15406: *219 http upstream request: "/?" [...] 2018/02/17 12:46:28 15406#15406: *219 http proxy status 404 "404 Not Found" Your upstream does not like /? 2018/02/17 12:46:28 15406#15406: *219 http proxy header: "Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0" This only shows it's not a nginx thing returning itpp2012 - How to...
I don't see the 404 you mentioned. Note that you are handling ssl and are passing non-ssl, the backend(s) need to be aware when returning pages that these pages point to your LB and not where a backend wants them itpp2012 - How to...
Enable debug logging and check the itpp2012 - How to...
Orwell Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello all, > > I try to load balance my web app using nginx but I get 404 instead > my app. > All my backend (MS IIS) work fine when I try to query directely. > > upstream mywebapp { [...] > proxy_pass; itpp2012 - How to...
nginx.conf always takes precedence unless you specify a different one at startup, a default named nginx.conf is not provided to prevent it from being overwritten when itpp2012 - How to...
99% of the inner working are the same as for linux, use itpp2012 - How to...
This commercial one also has a free version you can download which includes examples. If you can do what you want with the free version your all set, if you need more you pay, its that itpp2012 - How to...
Still true for the official version, this one does not have these issues: itpp2012 - How to...
Aziz Rozyev Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Mohit, > > check the second reply. I’m not sure that there is a conventional > pretty printing > tools for nginx error log. Look at itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English itpp2012 - How to...
Use a third Map which does an OR or an AND on other map variables in to a new single variable for use. map $http_user_agent $logv1 { ... } map $http_user_agent $logv2 { ... } map $http_user_agent $logv3 { $logv1 0; $logv2 1; }by itpp2012 - How to...
Andrei Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for the tip. Have you ran into any issues as Maxim mentioned? > Not itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Andrei Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm aware of the paid version, but I don't have a budget for it yet, > and > quite frankly this should be a core feature for any caching service. > Are > there no viable options for the community release? It's a rather Easy to implement (add).by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Your proxy passing to http and not to itpp2012 - How to...
One nginx can listen on 443 and handle multiple websites via multiple server {} blocks, you can't have two nginx instances using the same port, merge all sites in one itpp2012 - How to...
https is a protocol, the port it uses can be any port, forwarding to https differs in using a certificate and telling the server {} block to use itpp2012 - How to...
Since you messed up the server blocks you may very well have messed up other areas that suppose to be in server blocks and some that should be outside, have a good look at ALL .conf files, print them out and lay them on a itpp2012 - How to...
location is only allowed in server {} itpp2012 - How to...
A 404 is logged unless logging has been disabled, ask the hosting company where logs are, check nginx.conf what/where is logged. .by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Have a look in the nginx error logfile where it expects the file to itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Use this one, portable, tried, tested, production ready 2: yes 3: yes already itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
See the 'upstream_EBLB_with_IWCP.txt' document and the pdf documentation, the primary control (ie. signaling) should be (initiated) triggered by your edge controllers or itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English