Nothing much, you need to add more backend servers to handle more requests, for example php-cgi is a single thread backend, if requests are handled fast one will suffice if not you add more backends. If 1 request takes 10 seconds you need 10 backends to handle that load for a 10 users, etc. Or get the backend to handle requests via a pipe asynchronously, tcp handling has its itpp2012 - Other discussion
You might think your running as asynchronous processing but it does not sound like it is: itpp2012 - Other discussion
Considering this example How would you stream plain unsecured pop3 traffic to a secure endpoint elsewhere ? (without the backend certificates) ea. stream { listen 110; proxy_ssl on; proxy_pass; }by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Above not itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
The first location match is the active one, add another location before this one to change its caching itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Simple, server_name;by itpp2012 - How to... itpp2012 - How to...
You might be better of with nginx stream to offload (ssl/tls), all of it is then encrypted. stream { upstream backendsmtp { server; } server { listen 1234 ssl; ssl_certificate /nginx/crts/global1.cert; ssl_certificate_key /nginx/crts/global1.key; include /nginx/conf/sslciphers.conf; proxy_pass backendsmtp; itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Try root 'C:/nginx-1.16.0/data/www';by itpp2012 - How to...
TASKKILL /F /IM "nginx*"by itpp2012 - How to...
Stick to a binary ready version itpp2012 - How to...
Due to the unsafe message it sounds like a DNS issue, or some other setting that believes the link is safe which now is no longer the case, if it works despite the unsafe message its not a nginx itpp2012 - How to...
Allow the not secure connection and see where it wants to connect to, this should be an address known to you. Also check the logfiles to see what nginx thinks is itpp2012 - How to...
IP address changed in your proxy_pass ?by itpp2012 - How to...
Try this; worker_processes 2; worker_rlimit_nofile 32767; thread_pool iopool threads=16 max_queue=32767;by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
I see now, the problem is the certificate which chrome complains about. Look for chrome details in a tab/button you could press to get more details. Or use debug mode in itpp2012 - How to...
In your 443 block your doing a "return 301$request_uri; " itpp2012 - How to...
Just use srvany to create a service and use a .cmd file, in there you can 'net use' and start itpp2012 - How to...
If it runs as a service that service needs access rights to whereever your data itpp2012 - How to...
Via map and the default ?by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
// Configuring SMTP server settings $mail = new PHPMailer; $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->Host = ''; $mail->Port = 587; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $email; $mail->Password = $password;by itpp2012 - How to...
Have a look at the link, after that see this itpp2012 - How to...
Devika Awasthi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Many Thanks Maxim, > > But we did try to achieve the functionality by using - > nginx=1.10.3-r1, we > couldn't get request based session stickiness. > Basically we want the requests with identical query params to hit the > same > instance everytime. Maybe this can help; https://bitby itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English itpp2012 - How to...
Look in the logs, the 404 will tell you where nginx expects the file to itpp2012 - How to... itpp2012 - Migration from Other Servers
It is fairly simple to hack nginx and use Lua to reload the cache timed or via a request. The code is already there, its just a matter of calling it itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
This can be done with Lua but each disk access is a blocking call to nginx, your design should include caching of such calls (access disk once every 100 calls or after 60 seconds).by itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Have a look here itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
With any cgi application (like php is) you need to create a pool to handle high loads as cgi is considered blocking, for Windows I have created a long time ago a pool configuration of 10 including installation, see sig for itpp2012 - Other discussion