You can't share a https and stream on the same port, either only use stream or use a different port with stream. RDP needs stream as its TCP and not HTTP(s). # load balance your rdp servers via port 444 worker_processes 2; error_log logs/error.log; events { worker_connections 16384; } # http { # ... your usual http block ... # } # http end stream { error_log logs/stby itpp2012 - How to...
papertape Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > when it's service is stopped, it is adviced to add this line: > TASKKILL /F /IM "nginx*" > > This looks promising, even though 'ngx_stop.cmd' does not appear to be > in the download. > > FYI: nginx is installed as part of our application's automated > installer, which uses Inby itpp2012 - Other discussion
That is correct, make sure you use that port with the browser, https://bla:444/by itpp2012 - How to...
You should change the listen directive for ssl to some other port, use some port listen command/tool to see if nginx is listening after changing itpp2012 - How to...
Lua and it's shared dictionary (in memory) can do itpp2012 - How to...
With an internal DNS server you can do itpp2012 - How to...
Try the direct IP address in upstream, if that works (port is kept) then it is for sure a dns issue. It might be an application issue, for example you get data on port 8000 and proxy this to 9000 but the application expects data on 8000 so after the first connect the application removes 9000 and re-inserts 8000, this is typical tomcat behavior until you tell the tomcat application data is cominby itpp2012 - How to...
Some google results:,239790,239794#msg-239794by itpp2012 - How to...
> "C:\nginx-1.9.15/html/arcgis/home/index.html" is not found Your 'root' is set wrong, obviously what you want returned doesn't live itpp2012 - How to...
It should not direct to nginx but change the request path and pass that on to the backend(s), in combination with 'root' being set itpp2012 - How to...
Don't use proxy_redirect. Adjust proxypass / rewrite to make sure they point to folders that itpp2012 - How to...
Maybe with Lua, otherwise you need to hack the code to not handle a 400, a grep for 400 and a grep for some other code which works as desired may give you an idea what to do. nginx does not waste time with broken clients hence the 400 handling, it may cost you performance when you actually handle it as a lot of basic attacks result in 400's (ea. a DROP).by itpp2012 - Other discussion
Correct, a 400 is handled internally before any other handler, see also,158557,158557#msg-158557by itpp2012 - Other discussion
Try with Curl, check what it reports back including the headers and check the logfiles to see what Curl reports can be found in the itpp2012 - Other discussion
Then you need to do some rewriting, ea. rewrite /portal/([^/]+) /arcgis/$1 break; proxy_pass itpp2012 - How to...
location /portal { proxy_pass http://conHTTP/portal; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host; } Or; location /portal { proxy_pass http://conHTTP; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host; }by itpp2012 - How to...
Look at the 'map' example on that site, standard nginx itpp2012 - Other discussion
Maybe this is helpful itpp2012 - Other discussion
You can try the mailing list at or the openssl forum on google groups, a detailed wireshark capture might be helpful for some to figure out what is going itpp2012 - Other discussion
eiji-gravion Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm seeing the same thing happen in Firefox 46. Nb. there is currently an issue with 46 and TLS. ea. don't use 46 for itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Maybe this itpp2012 - Other discussion
Could be, the idea was once a cipher is forced it either works or you get some other error pointing to the real problem. However you need to translate that cipher value into what nginx configuration understands; See also itpp2012 - Other discussion
Try a forced setting of only TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA for nginx front and itpp2012 - Other discussion
Then you must have some return/rewrite doing a 302 in your nginx configuration. If this is intended then its itpp2012 - Other discussion
No, there is no service install support other then the installer we have online. A program running normally or as a service is no more then a flag at kernel level which we control anyway. There are always additional things that need to be done before starting and stopping which a regular service is unable to do, using a batchfile launched as a service allows everything and it won't effect nginby itpp2012 - Other discussion
nginx -s reopenby itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Check your config with a backup to see if anything has changed. Use Curl to make sure its not a browser itpp2012 - How to... itpp2012 - Nginx Mailing List - English
Nope but you can use/hack this module itpp2012 - How to...
Generate lists with PHP and show whatever you want or itpp2012 - How to...