I use Nginx as a reverse proxy server. web_server_apache ----> Nginx_reverse_proxy ----> Internet Today I have successfully generated certificates from let's encrypt for my private subdomains. Everything works great. I have two private subdomains (site1 and site2). I placed both subdomains in one config file. Is this configuration correct? <code> # -----------site1-subdomain-by gusto1 - Other discussion
I'm newbie to nginx I have an apache server in lxc (3x vhost/domain) Each vhost is configured as follows and works perfectly ---------- <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /var/www/www.domain1.ddns.com ServerName domain1.ddns.com ServerAlias www.domain1.ddns.com ServerAdmin webmaster@domain1.ddns.com RewriteEngine on Rby gusto1 - Nginx Mailing List - English