If it's a 30 second timeout it may be a DNS lookup timeout. Assuming linux - stick strace on the process and it'll tell you fr sure. On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 5:45 AM, Cristian Rusu <crirus@gmail.com> wrote: > Hello > > Thanks for the reply > > I found out that session_start is just fine, problem is with a previous > call on same session that hangs on some remote url readsby dkierans - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Maybe start it with one child and start or attach strace to it. It may give you some ideas as to slow downs when they occur. Bed return values from system calls etc. This approach always yields some useful information for me in these situations. Dave. On Apr 19, 9:42 am, Jérôme Loyet <m...@fatbsd.com> wrote: > 2010/4/19 c2h5oh <maciej.lisiew...@gmail.com>: > > > >by dkierans - Php-fpm Mailing List - English
Hello all. I have done some work setting up NGINX as a proxy to a FastCGI PHP (PHP-FPM) backend and was hoping to get some clarification as to my understanding of how concurrent connections are handled. My environment is a 2 CPU Centox 5.4 Linux machin with nginx/0.8.35 I have worker_processes set to 2 My question is when a request is passed to a backend fastgi what exactly blocks waitiby dkierans - Other discussion
Yes I had this problem too. I tried a few things that *should have* worked but didn't. In the end I forced it to in stall in /usr/local/lib and not the libevent directory. It was a little while back so fuzzy about the exact steps but the configure script was the problem. I did not specify any lib paths on my configure line. One thing that does help it run the configure with sh -x ./configureby dkierans - Php-fpm Mailing List - English