itpp2012, i believe my issue is not separate from the ipv6 issue. In any case the errorlog for the ipv6 problem is the same: 2014/01/30 10:32:32 6760#3604: *1 upstream timed out (10060: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond) while connecting to uby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
Itpp2012 The nginx conf is the standard one: <code> location /api { proxy_pass http://localhost:3000; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; } </code> looks like to reproduce this you might have to change something in the TCP/IP configuration of the machine. I cannot find where is it configured on the localhost loopback on windows, but I can assure that making a ping loby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
Hi all, This is not an error, but a misconfiguration. The problem is caused because localhost can be resolved as an ipv6 address (::1) and an ipv4 address ( and the backend is not listening on both interfaces. Thanks a lot to Maxim Dounin for the troubleshooting. Please read on Cruz Fernandez - New Member Introductions
itpp2012, The release you gave me ( cheshire), still has the issue of 60 seconds delay, and an error of upstream on "::1" ipv6 address. (of course, the error happens on windows 2008, with proxy_pass localhost:3000 , and our backend only listening on ipv4 Cruzby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
Thanks for your response itpp2012. I've found a way another two workarounds until your changes are merged into a release: * you can use (instead of localhost on the proxy_pass directive) or * you can start the backend on an ipv6 localhost direction (like ::1 ) This workaround works on all nginx version with the problem (1.4.x and until 1.5.9) I'll test your fixes on http://ngiby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
Hi itpp2012 I have reported what I think the bug is on trac: Hope it is clear. Cheers Cruzby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
itpp2012, Looks like nginx version 1.2.9 didn´t have the bug (for windows 7) that is breaking my proxy_pass directive!! Here calling a lot of times the proxy_pass doesn´t break the connection. On another testing the "sendfile" directive you mentioned, didn´t produced any change of effects Thanks a lot! The solution of 1.2.9 seems the more productive from my point of view. Crby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
I think i'm not using any parameter that uses shared memory. I am using the standard nginx.conf (the version that comes with windows distribution) and a site.conf file. Attached both config filesby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
Thanks itpp2012, On Linux machine this problem is not happening (we have same configuration on windows and linux). Sorry if it wasn't clear before. This problem is only happening on Windows machines. I have tried version 1.4.4 with same results. On windows XP 32 bits the problem is not happening, but on Windows 7 64 bits, and Windows Server 2008 64 bits. Is it possible to create a small Vby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
HI all, I am patching this problem with a small timeout parameter (as my nodejs server connects and responds fast, I shouldn't have any issues) proxy_connect_timeout 2s; Hopefully this will help while the problem is solved/diagnosed. Cruzby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
itpp2012, Let me rephrase, the first request on the backend appears and closes fast and everything ok. The second request connects to nginx, and backend doesn´t show any connections/requests. After 1 minute, backend gets a connection/request and nginx returns the response. Thanks for the fast responseby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
Hi itpp2012, The backend always returns fast and healthy. I have debugged the port numbers, and the socket has been closed from backend Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion
Hi everyone, I'm Cruz, This seems the same problem I´m running into. Only happens on windows, it´s also reported on this thread,239760,239760 Looks like my requests are taking 1 minute to execute (and no processing is done as nginx is just calling a closed socket maybe?) A bug should be reported on nginx for Windowsby Cruz Fernandez - New Member Introductions
I´m having same issue with a backend with nodejs. My configuration is pretty similar and have also tested changing connection type with no luck (missing requests on my backend and a timeout of 60 seconds until the request is resent). <snip> upstream node_app { server localhost:3000 fail_timeout=5s; keepalive 1; } </snip> <snip> location /api { proxy_http_versby Cruz Fernandez - Other discussion