Thanks much I will check them jimhill10 - Requests for Paid Services
I am wondering if anyone out there provides reliable, VPS, managed NGINX hosting. This would alleviate me from having to deal with security, updates, NGINX config rules, outages, monitoring, etc. This would be for one single corporate web site using NGINX on the front end http/2 SSL and NGINX cache on the back end serving static files through an internal port. I was looking for a service like Panby jimhill10 - Requests for Paid Services
NGINX didn't appreciate our changes. Has anyone experience in virtual config of caching with Joomla?by jimhill10 - How to...
This is what our expert implemented: server_name_in_redirect off; root /var/www/cache/nginx; index index.html; error_page 566 = @post; if ($request_method = POST) { return 566; } if ($is_args = "?") { return 566; } set $original_uri $uri; if ($uri = /) { set $original_uri "index.html"; } #if ($uri = /) { return 566; } location ~* /(images|cache|by jimhill10 - How to...
We have a reverse proxy setup such that NGINX serves cached Joomla (v. 3.5) content. One issue we have is that in the cache folder an index.php file is being created containing only the text string "sefs updated." This then breaks the display of any non-SEF URL like index.php?option-com_content.... The site uses friendly URL generated by SH404SEF. Our server section in that portion ofby jimhill10 - How to...