Hi there! I have nginx serving several different domains. I've already applied requests limits **per IP**, in order to protect against some types of attacks. However, that limits are about the traffic coming from one IP. Now I would like to apply allow no more than X requests per second **to a domain**. Why would I want to do that in the first place? Well, my server runs several websiby gonguinguen - How to...
As far as I remember, I didn't hire anyone, I just kept reading and testing for some time and I got it working. But in my experience, you never stop tunning, there is always something that you can tune up and improve. These are some documentation links that helped me: http://dak1n1.com/blog/12-nginx-performance-tuning/ https://www.nginx.com/resources/admin-guide/restricting-access/ https:/by gonguinguen - Requests for Paid Services
I'm relative new to nginx, so maybe I'm missinterpreting the documentation. I have multiple websites served by nginx, each one in its own domain. I would like to apply a maximum number of connnections that a single ip can open **to each domain**. This is the configuration I have now: http { limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=perip:10m; server { server_name weby gonguinguen - How to...
Nevermind, already got support.by gonguinguen - Requests for Paid Services
I have a server running nginx + uwsgi. It serves several websites (implemented with web2py). I need someone to help me with this points: * Review general nginx configuration, and apply corresponding changes, accordingly to VPS resources. * Apply connection limits: limit_conn (per server and per client ip) * Apply requests limits per ip Also, I need some clarification about some 502 erby gonguinguen - Requests for Paid Services
Let's say that we have two virtual hosts serving two domains: blog.com and store.com. Let's suppose that we need to apply the following limits: - blog.com: no more than 5 connections per ip, and no more than 50 total connections to the virtual host - store.com: no more than 10 connections per ip, and no more than 100 connections to the virtual host. Considering that. Which would be the corrby gonguinguen - Nginx Mailing List - English
I have a server with multiple virtual hosts, that is, multiple websites running. I want to set request limits, using "limit_req_zone" and "limit_req". I've already got it to work, I've read all the documentation and I think I can say that I understand pretty much the basics. However I need to clarify a couple of doubts. In every example I found on the web, the requests liby gonguinguen - Other discussion
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