so this 'problem' should be easily resolved with deleting the win version that you people offer? (especially if you think that most people develop web apps on nix boxes?) (anyway i did my share of community work, so i have answered my own question, maybe you missed that part?) ok, i will ask now then : a. what is your opinion on running nginx on win box? b. what is best distro to run nginxby smok3 - How to...
such a vibrant community aren't we ? :) маыбе и шоулд старт леарнинг соме Цыриллиц?by smok3 - How to...
p.s.4. in start.bat you may want to change RunHiddenConsole.exe nginx.exe to start nginx.exe restart.bat may look like @ECHO OFF start /wait stop.bat start.batby smok3 - How to...
same behaviour with 0.8.5 on win smok3 - Nginx Mailing List - English
p.s.3. forgot to mention, that your php.ini should be in php folder (obviously, as we want this to be portable)by smok3 - How to...
well, my 1st try with 0.8.5; a. unpack the content of to some folder b. unpack php into the same folder, so your structure is like conf\ contrib\ docs\ html\ logs\ php\ temp\ nginx.exe c. google a bit and add Process.exe and RunHiddenConsole.exe to the same folder d. write a new text file named start.bat, that may look like: @ECHO OFF ECHO Starting PHP FastCGIby smok3 - How to...
I need a basic guide on how to setup nginx (0.8.4) with php on windows, preferably the setup should not use any sort of absolute paths (like c:\php). Thanks in advance. (p.s. basically what I'am looking for are two bat files: starteverything.bat and killeverything.bat)by smok3 - How to...