I have an application that uses dynamic javascripts using an idea shown on this page. http://railscasts.com/episodes/88-dynamic-select-menus these dynamic javascripts have a controller with the name javascripts and the actual js files are under the views in the apps folder. how can i configure nginx to be able recognize these as well as the js files located in the public/javascripts foldeby quee - How to...
Sorry about the error in topic and details it should be rails and not ruby... wrote the question half a sleep at 2am in the morning.by quee - How to...
With the new ruby available you can serve JavaScript either as a static file in yourapp/public/javascripts or as a dynamic file. an example of this can be yourapp/apps/views/javascripts/somejavascripts.js.erb how can we set the config file to be able to handle this?by quee - How to...