Hey Jim! Been a long time. Trust you & your's are well. Also trust the forums here haven't driven you over the edge! So, I thought I'd get a jump on the upcoming release of WordPress 3.0. The importance of this release is the merging of the single site with the multi user site code. Going forward it will all be known as "WordPress" and if you want "Multi Site" capabilitby jamesdkirk - How to...
Hey Jim, You inclusion of the leading forward slash did the trick, sort of! This might be a good reference for duffers like me that bite off more than they can chew. That translation of the Apache RewriteRule from the Premium WordPress MU plugin, Avatars 3.3.3 needs to be inserted prior to any code that stops after processing the Nginx serving of static files. I had placed the correct codby jamesdkirk - How to...
Cool. Will give it a try and report back. Thanks!by jamesdkirk - How to...
Thought I'd be able to stay away longer, Jim! Also thought I'd be able to apply what I learned from my last request to this one: RewriteRule ^(.*/)?avatar/(.*) wp-content/avatar.php?file=$2 by going with: rewrite ^/(.*/)?avatar/(.*) wp-content/avatar.php?file=$2 last; But alas, no go! Trust you're having a great weekend. TIA!by jamesdkirk - How to...
Hey, thanks Jim. That "last" seems to work. Now I just have to find out if the output that is generated on my sitemap.xml page is correct, but that's not an Nginx, go to Jim question! Thanks again. I'll be back!by jamesdkirk - How to...
Hey Jim! Back again Have been plodding around trying to use a sitemap generator plugin on my WordPress MU install. I've got the files placed according to the plugin's directions, and there's an added instruction that the following RewriteRule be placed into the .htaccess file: RewriteRule ^(.*/)?sitemap.xml wp-content/sitemap.php I've attempted to "translate" this Apache regeby jamesdkirk - How to...
Well, I promise you I could not have gotten as far with this new slice set up without the help of yourself and these forums. Once I've completed transfer from the old slice to the new, I'll be posting up a series on my merry adventures, and be sure to send out plenty of link love over this way. I'll not be saying goodbye, however, as there's tons more to learn and do, and the Nginx Forums are aby jamesdkirk - Migration from Other Servers
Okay, I believe I have it figured out, Jim. I inserted some nginx code for static files, and the css and js files started showing up. Still no images. I verified the images were indeed on the server (even manually downloading to ensure there was nothing wrong with them!) Then I started doing some searches that might show something amiss with WPMU not rewriting URL's correctly. My hunch proveby jamesdkirk - Migration from Other Servers
Hey Jim, Back again! It seems that certain things are working on my slice which is currently serving out InVerdeValley.com As you can tell most of the images are not showing up; neither the css or js files. And I did set up (successfully, I think) php to be proxy'd through to fastcgi. As such, I'm running WordPress Multi User with BuddyPress, and that's likely where the content showing up in tby jamesdkirk - Migration from Other Servers
Ahhhhhh Sweet, sweet, sweet. Of course, my 7th grade math teacher would never let us use the calculator until we could prove we could do the calculation without it. But in this case, I'm making the exception. His post indicates it's working successfully for his sites, so I'm thinking now I'll be going for the nginx front end with php-fastcgi to process the WordPress Multi User scripting and WP-Supby jamesdkirk - Migration from Other Servers
Okay, groovin' on the concept of no Apache and thus better CPU usage and persistent connections. I know enough to know that makes a lot of sense and likely a big difference when and if ones server starts getting loaded down. The question you've raised with me now goes back to the stuff to enter into the "location" block. Are things like rewrites and cache settings the same in this secby jamesdkirk - Migration from Other Servers
Very coolness. BuddyPress actually behaves like a set of super plugins within the WPMU install, so there's no need to have a second set of directives just for it. A couple of follow up questions, if I may? [*] I'm sure I've come across subdomain wild cards in the nginx config, but not recalling them. They would simply be listed in the config file: server_name your-mu-server.com *.your-mu-by jamesdkirk - Migration from Other Servers
Having decided that I'm likely to build the new web server box using what sounds like a champion set up of Nginx serving static files in front of Apache, which will serve the php files (specifically to run an installation of WordPress Multi User + BuddyPress), I have a simple question that I cannot seem to find a simple answer for (they are all simple solutions, yes?!) Once everything is set anby jamesdkirk - Migration from Other Servers