hey guys im getting an error message when trying to use ssl on my server: 3108#6408: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file("C:\Users\Server\Desktop\host\myterms.co.uk\nginx/conf/ssl/myterms_co_uk.key") failed (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch) here is how i inclided my certificates ssl_certificate ssl/domain.ca-bundle; ssl_certiby destramic - How to...
i'm having some trouble setting up my domain with nginx if someone could please help me. i have a domain which is forwarded with mask to my ip...so when i type in mydomain.com my website will show...the problem i have is when i click on a link the address will always be: mydomain.com instead of: mydomain.com/whatEver.php i've searched about for solutions but i have had no luck if sby destramic - How to...
hey guys i added the following lines to my config location /mcv { rewrite ^(.*)$ /public/index.php?uri=$1 last; break; } now i keep getting the error 'No input file specified.' when in directory /mcv whcih i believe has something to do with php from what i read...after trying suggestions on articles i found i'm now stuck. funny thing is i don't get that error anywhere else and pby destramic - How to...
hey guys im getting the following error when running a script on my server: mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 120 seconds End of script output before headers: index.php i've being trying to source how to increase the mod_fcgid value, but i'm having no joy! can someone please tell me how to increase the mod_fcgid value please? thank youby destramic - How to...
i have node.js installed on my localhost as well as the mysql module. when running in command promt: var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Node is working!\n'); }).listen(3000, ''); i get the result in as expected what i want now is to be able to connect to my myby destramic - How to...
worked brilliantly thank you...one last thing, how am i able to start nginx automatically as soon as windows boots up please?by destramic - How to...
ok thank you also i'm having a problem with my config file as i'm getting a error in my log: 2015/09/05 17:12:07 5928#5924: unknown directive "index.html" in C:\nginx/conf/nginx.conf:44 but index.html is there can you please help me on this?by destramic - How to...
hey guys i've had a search about but i can't find how to install and configure MariaDB for nginx if anyone could please explain how please. thank youby destramic - How to...
it was down to the port.... worked like a charm....sorry! thank you for your helpby destramic - How to...
ok i closed nginx from task manager. and opened cmd -> start nginx 2 nginx programs appear my task manager with still a blank page on localhost =/by destramic - How to...
nothing in log or access when trying to access today. localhost just shows a blank page. this is used to start nginx...also i've tried just clicking on nginx.exe...what am i doing wrong @ECHO OFF start c:\nginx\nginx.exe start c:\php\5.6.11\php-cgi.exe -b -c c:\php\5.6.11\php.ini ping -n 1>NUL echo starting nginx echo . echo .. echo ... ping >by destramic - How to...
well i was getting the error: 2015/08/04 20:22:21 5420#4628: "server" directive is not allowed here in C:\nginx/conf/nginx.conf:1 so i refereed back to the default config and altered for php. here is my config file...when you said use / instead of \ then i guess your on about document root....although i have no errors in my log i still cant display a simple php file or html forby destramic - How to...
i've decided to give nginx a whirl instead of apache...but im having a few problems running php on it. here is my config file ----------------------------------------------------- server { listen 80; server_name development; #charset koi8-r; access_log logs/error.log main; location / { root C:\Users\Ricky\Desktop\www; index index.by destramic - How to...