I had a similar situation where I had multiple services tied to a single domain/IP. My solution was to use nginx for http traffic and layer 7 routing, and NAT rules in the firewall for my non-http traffic. Works like a charm, was simple to set up, and has been serving a high volume of requests every since. -Chrisby cschne - Ideas and Feature Requests
Hi, first off, fantastic work, I'm really happy using Nginx. Also, sorry for the long examples here, I just want to be thorough in explaining the situation. I would like to be able to dynamically pass the upstream port to connect to in a proxy_pass directive. This would greatly reduce the number of upstream configurations that a user would need to maintain when proxying a large number of distiby cschne - Ideas and Feature Requests
Just saying hi. I built and administer the web systems for a large university and recently moved them from using haproxy to nginx as our layer7 proxy with fantastic results.by cschne - New Member Introductions