The 'if' configuration is lacking the ability to conjoin predicates. It is already possible to have alternatives (this 'or' that) by having several tests. But it is not possible to have this 'and' that tests. Please add syntax to support multiple predicates. Possible implementation suggestion: new 'and' keyword between the existing predicates: if ($request_method = POST ) and (!-f $reby rickb - Ideas and Feature Requests
I find the debug level of logging far too verbose. It has loads of internal trace stuff to do with memory allocation, connection opening/closing etc. I can't see the wood for the trees. I would like a log level that traces the decisions made, internal redirects etc for each URL processed. This will help me fix problems with my configuration files. I suggest that decision tracing should beby rickb - Ideas and Feature Requests
Can this be done whilst keeping Nginx small, fast and simple? Possibly rickb - Ideas and Feature Requests
Hi all, First of all, I'm new here so ... hello! I've started working on migrating a group of five co-hosted virtual-server websites. They all use different technology using PHP: Drupal, CMS Made Simple, plain XHTML, PHPMyAdmin, bespoke PHP webapps. I have worked hard to optimise the throughput using gzip (pre-)compression, JS/CSS minification etc. Nginx seems to be really strong on perforby rickb - Ideas and Feature Requests