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help with rewrite migration removing multiple slashes from url

Posted by richardsd 
help with rewrite migration removing multiple slashes from url
July 11, 2009 07:34PM
Hi there,

I used to have this in Apache (from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/476456/why-does-rewriterule-page-page-php-l-match-site-com-page)
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]+\ /(([^/\ ]+/)*)/+([^\ ]*)
RewriteRule // /%1%3 [L,NE,R=301]

In Nginx, it is simply
rewrite ^/(([^/\ ]+/)*)/+([^\ ]*) /$1$3? permanent;

It used to work in Apache and I tested the new regex with http://www.regextester.com/ and it works.
However, I can't get it to work. When i request www.mydomain.com//sony it does not issue a 301 to the client to request www.mydoamin.com/sony. Nginx just continues to pass the original request to the backend.

Thank you for your help,
Re: help with rewrite migration removing multiple slashes from url
July 18, 2009 11:13AM
you need to specify full URI for redirection

rewrite ^/(([^/\ ]+/)*)/+([^\ ]*) http://yoursitehere.com/$1$3? permanent;
Re: help with rewrite migration removing multiple slashes from url
August 12, 2009 11:42PM
hi edogawaconan,

that's what the documentation says as well but it didn't work. in fact, i was able to prove that it was not necessary (to add the domain) because the following redirects /foobar to /barfoo

rewrite ^/(foo)(bar)$ /$2$1 permanent;

the rewrite works for simple cases like foobar, so is it possible that "complicated" regex parsing in nginx isn't working?

thank you,
Re: help with rewrite migration removing multiple slashes from url
September 15, 2009 05:25AM
Figured out why it wasn't working. The answer was in the proxy_pass directive.

During the working:

* two or by more slashes are converted into one slash: "//" -- "/";
* references to the current directory are removed: "/./" -- "/";
* references to the previous catalog are removed: "/dir /../" -- "/".

the matching for rewrites is performed against the CLEANED request. ie, it is performed against $uri NOT $request_uri.

So my redirect never happened because it never matched. I should be thankful there is some documentation but it really needs to be better. Now that I intuitively understand how rewrite and proxy_pass works, I am able to understand the sometimes cryptic translations. Again, I will be grateful that I can leverage open source and didn't have to write my own proxy/web server from scratch.
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