hello i have set up my Nginx via Home Assistant Add ons and added two proxy hosts and working perfectly
after a couple of months I logged in again and I couldn't so I tried the default user admin@example.com
and it worked but the host proxy is empty
what weird about this is the two proxy host I once set up is still working even though they are empty in the dashboard page
I went to the users page there are no other users and the date created was 4 days ago even though it's has been months since I last logged in to it
I'm planning on wiping everything and start a new but I want to make sure of a couple of things
is possible someone hacked my Nginx or can he ssh to it and have a root command?
please check the attachment, and also note that I changed the default user back with my information.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2021 02:40PM by abnsultan.