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why this rewrite rule does not work?

Posted by sipiatti 
why this rewrite rule does not work?
June 14, 2009 05:53AM

on an SMF forum a pretty url modul rewrites the board urls. On the other hand there is an another modul what acts like a subforum so the pretty rewrites its url so could not been found by the user.
I thought I simply rewrites the request so everything could go back to normal.

That rule I created:
rewrite ^/talk/random-stuffs/index\.php.*$ /talk/index.php?action=arcade break;
but it does not work, I receive a message: No input file specified.
If I type in http://....//talk/index.php?action=arcade it works so this should be a rewrite problem.

Another Q: Is it possible to log the rewrites to check it back?
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