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IE11 not rendering page with Nginx reverse proxy - Help

Posted by bparinas 
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IE11 not rendering page with Nginx reverse proxy - Help
April 05, 2019 03:04PM

I'd like to know if anyone encounter the same error. I have a frontend app written in Angular and the requirement is to use Nginx reverse proxy that will accept browser connection and pass it to frontend app. Unfortunately, only the IE browser cannot render the frontend app while working fine with other browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

I tried to simulate this issue with a fresh install Nginx vs the existing Nginx in our environment (see below): The problem is our frontend webapp is not rendering in our existing Nginx.

fresh install nginx (all browser works), URL: https://<frontend-nginx>/:
location / {
proxy_pass http://<frontend-webapp>:8083;

existing nginx (all browser works except in IE11), URL: https://<frontend-nginx>/webapp/:
location /webapp/ {
# with or without slash working in other browsers except IE.
rewrite /webapp/?(.*)$ /$1 break;
proxy_pass http://<frontend-webapp>:8083;


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