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Need help to set rewrite rule in nginx

Posted by nathankmungia 
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Need help to set rewrite rule in nginx
May 11, 2016 10:17AM

I need help to set rewrite rule in nginx. Can anyone help me to set following rule in nginx? I have 2 files. Robots.txt and sitemap.xml that i need to rewrite. I have 2 domains both pointing to same server location having different sitemap file and robots.txt.


- robots file name robots-domain1.txt
- sitemap file name sitemap-domain1.xml


- robots file name robots-domain2.txt
- sitemap file name sitemap-domain2.xml

Now what i want to do is I need a rewrite rule that will show me robots-domain1.txt if i goes to http://domain1.com/robots.txt

Thanks & Regards,

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