Making blog installed on site root or subdomain appear to be in blog folder
January 04, 2016 03:34PM
I've recently set up my first server on AWS, and I'm moving all my websites from shared to dedicated hosting. As part of this I'm using Wordpress Multisite (WPMU) instead of separate installs of single site Wordpress.

One thing about WPMU is it seems to only be able to install and show the Wordpress instance on the site root, whereas for one of my sites I need it to be in the blog directory - so <- where WPMU puts the blog <- where I want the blog

I don't think there's any way around this with WPMU, but I know Nginx has a lot of features, so maybe I can have Nginx make my site to appear on the URL I want it rather than where it's installed. If it helps I could quite easily install it on a subdomain, though I wouldn't want that subdomain visible to the outside world - I've forward that subdomain to the main site's /blog directory. I guess some kind of rewrite would be required, but I'm not sure what best practice is, with the fewest side effects.

Can anyone help with this? Even just pointing me in the right direction would be great, but of course the more the better. Thanks in advance :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2016 03:35PM by tomwald.
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