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why nginx always redirect back to index.php after I enter the demo password?

Posted by stuat3501 
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why nginx always redirect back to index.php after I enter the demo password?
July 04, 2015 03:15PM
Dear all

We plan to change our project from apache to nginx+php-fpm.
However, After I enter the test account and password, it redirct back to index.php.
my college suppose that it probably because I did not setting correctly about php.session in php.fpm.

The following code is the first section of index.php of our project.

function IsLogin() {
echo "<script language='javascript'>";
echo "top.location='".$url."';";
echo "</script>";
echo "<script language='javascript'>";
echo "var account='".$_SESSION['sess_userid']."';";
echo "</script>";

Does anyone can give me a clue to debug this problem?

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