upload progress bar
June 02, 2009 02:00AM
i got installed nginx yesterday by a management company everything seems fine except two issues :-

1. upload progress bar is not working and showing error cannot finf file length
2. 504 gateway time out error is showing up many times

please let us know what to do :)

thanks in advance ...
Re: upload progress bar
June 02, 2009 11:02AM
Are you using a video script like Clip-Share or phpMotion?

Jim Ohlstein
Re: upload progress bar
June 02, 2009 01:50PM
nope not video site but a file uploading script, temporarily i have disabled nginx and site is working fine but heavy load :(

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2009 01:51PM by bhanuprasad1981.
Re: upload progress bar
June 02, 2009 03:14PM
The 504 issue can perhaps be fixed with increasing php max_execution_time and/or max_input_time. You can also try increasing proxy_read_timeout or fastcgi_read_timeout depending on how you are serving php requests. You can find info on these at http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpProxyModule#proxy_read_timeout and http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpFcgiModule#fastcgi_read_timeout.

The upload progress bar will not work if it's based on the Uber Uploader. I'm not exactly sure why but I believe it has to do with requiring keepalive connections to the backend which nginx does not support as yet. Nginx supports HTTP 1.1 when "speaking" to the client but "speaks" HTTP 1.0 to the backend.

Despite this, the files should still upload.

You have three choices.
[*] Don't use nginx
[*] Edit the script to change the error message, perhaps using an animated gif to let users know that upload is in progress
[*] Use the upload progress bar written for nginx which will probably require a fair bit of rewriting of your app

Jim Ohlstein
Re: upload progress bar
June 03, 2009 03:31AM
too bad i was left with option to remove Nginx , but i do hope that i will see a day when nginx supports upload bars :)
Re: upload progress bar
June 03, 2009 10:26AM
The plan is to introduce keepalive connections to the backend in the 0.8 branch at some point (in other words HTTP 1.1). Since 0.8.0 was just released yesterday it could be awhile before that happens. Of course once that happens there is still no guarantee that Uber Uploader will function correctly.

Some upload progress meters work fine with nginx. It simply depends on how they are written.

Jim Ohlstein
Re: upload progress bar
November 12, 2010 01:40PM
hi just wondering is there an update on fixing this issue? i am having the same problem as bhanuprasad1981
Re: upload progress bar
January 26, 2011 05:20AM
what upload progress meters work with nginx? I was using uber uploader but since that doesn't work I'd like a new solution.
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