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Subdomain to Subdirectory

Posted by raven2k3 
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Subdomain to Subdirectory
May 15, 2014 08:48AM

I'm trying to run Nginx as a Reverse Proxy to access all my services from the internet.

My Setup :
Internet -> Dynamic DNS (support wildcards) --[point to]--> Nginx(local) --[proxy_pass]--> Synology

- My dynamic ip is assigned to a dynamic dns - like foo.com
- My Synology Webstation is assigned to in my network
- Owncloud is accessible at (Tomcat)
- Standalone Webserver (NginX) is running under

I want to access owncloud through my reverse proxy from the subdomain bar.foo.com

(https) bar.foo.com -->

I'm now trying to proxy_pass, proxy_redirect, rewrite for dayes and can't get this to work
I hope someone can help me.

PS: This guy has an equal Problem:

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