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simple redirects from one directory to another?

Posted by tunist 
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simple redirects from one directory to another?
July 19, 2013 02:21PM
I am configuring an elgg social network (www.elgg.org) and have a working nginx config file that already includes several rewrites.

i now have desire to route all traffic that was going to one directory to another.. from /video/ to /videolist/

i have used various formats/syntax for the rewrite - including a location statement inside the main site's server declaration..
yet at no point has anything i have added made any difference to what happens when i visit the target url in a browser (i am restarting nginx after each change).

here are some examples of the strings i have used and that did nothing:

rewrite ^/video/(.*)$ /videolist/$1 last;
rewrite ^/video/*$ /videolist/$1 permanent;

i also placed these inside a location /video/ block.. and that made no difference..

is anyone aware of what i am missing here?
Re: simple redirects from one directory to another?
July 19, 2013 03:51PM
here's the config i am using presently, there are many rewrites in there already for other purposes (which were not writtten by me)..
the /videos/ one is the particular one that i am speaking of.


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