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migrating from apache2 to nginx

Posted by zozo6015 
migrating from apache2 to nginx
September 01, 2012 07:11AM

I am migrating all my sites from apache to nginx server. Since I am fairly new with nginx and not very experienced with apache rewrite rules I would need help converting one rewrite rule to my nginx:

Here is my apache rewrite rule:
RewriteRule (.*)\.html index.php?module=website&action=$1

and here is with what I come up in nginx but is not working. I am getting a blank page:
rewrite (.*)\.html /index.php?module=website&action=$1;

thanks in advance for your help.

Re: migrating from apache2 to nginx
September 30, 2012 05:56AM
location ~ ^(?<path>.*)\.html$ {
include fasctgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/index.php;
fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING "module=website&action=$path"
fastcgi_pass ...;

Re: migrating from apache2 to nginx
September 30, 2012 06:02AM

I have some other problem now. I am using smarty templating system which should be generating temporary files. That works perfect on apache but the temporarly files are not generated on nginx however it has write access to the tmp folder.

Re: migrating from apache2 to nginx
October 09, 2012 10:44AM
Found this tutorial. Thinking it answer your question
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