Slightly higher latency after switching from Apache to NginX
August 23, 2012 07:49AM
Hi All,

I finally migrated all my Apache Web-Servers (9 Web-Servers) to nginx + php-fpm, and it works better now :-). In front of the Web-Servers i have 3 Nginx-Servers as a Reverse-Proxy. I monitor the latency of a page-call using Smokeping with echo-http and send a GET-Request to my index.php.

Since using nginx + php-fpm the latency is slightly higher than with Apache and it "smokes" more. Because of the gathered information, i think there are some more variables i have to optimize, but i don't know which.

I attached my used configuration for a nginx-php-fpm Server.

All Nginx-Servers are running on Freebsd-amd64 (between Version 7.2-RELEASE to 9.0-RELEASE) and is compiled from Ports using gcc 4.7 with optimized CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and CPPFLAGS. Nginx uses automatically kqueue. The primary work for the Servers is to serve PHP-generated content (99% / 1% is sending static files). Some sysctl variables are optimized according to the "10,000 req/s" articles on the Web (sorry for putting the Code here, but i can't upload more than 3 files :-):


Any tips for some more optimizations?

Thanks for you Help :-)
open | download - nginx.conf (1.7 KB)
open | download - fastcgi.conf (177 bytes)
open | download - php.conf (1.1 KB)
Re: Slightly higher latency after switching from Apache to NginX
December 07, 2012 03:32AM
Create a static HTML file and test the speed to that and see what latency you get. if it is the php-fpm try
playing around with pm = static and how meny pm.max_children you need. In events just to be safe add use kqueue;
add worker_rlimit_nofile 4096;
also check the error.log for nginx and see if you have a problem there. also you might like to checkout php-apc too to cache your php files.
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