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Nginx Configuration

Posted by aditya_arora04 
Nginx Configuration
April 20, 2011 07:21AM
Hey evryone,

I am new to Nginx and it seems to be one great invention. But i am having a problem (trivial though) as follows :

I have a module named ikiclassifieds which was apache based (rewriting rules in .htaccess files ). It installs itself through an install.php file. Now, this file when run checks some server configuration before installing. And myside, it shows that my URL Rewrite Mode is off. Now, in apache .htaccess files we can activate the rewriting engine with RewriteEngine On. But i couldnt find any similar command for Nginx. I got the idea that maybe its activated on its own, and i need to add the rewrite rules, but it didnt work. Also, as the ikiclassifieds install script says "URL rewrite Mode is off" , how to enable it ???

Can anybody help me on that ??

Thank you
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