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.htaccess converter

Posted by neoasix 
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.htaccess converter
April 16, 2011 01:25PM
i've a language-detection on php..
plz help with these rewrite rules asap..

apache-rewrite rule is:

RewriteRule ^(us|de|es|pt|fr|it|nl|dk|se|no|fi|tr|gr|hr|ru|ua|pl|cz|bg|hu|ro|in|id|cn|jp|kr|vn)/(.*)?$ /$2?lang=$1 [QSA,NC,L]
and the converter from http://htaccess.nginx.de.vu/ gives me

rewrite ^/(us|de|es|pt|fr|it|nl|dk|se|no|fi|tr|gr|hr|ru|ua|pl|cz|bg|hu|ro|in|id|cn|jp|kr|vn)/(.*)?$ /$2?lang=$1 /;

but the ending slash?

hv solved with:

rewrite ^/(us|de|es|pt|fr|it|nl|dk|se|no|fi|tr|gr|hr|ru|ua|pl|cz|bg|hu|ro|in|id|cn|jp|kr|vn)/(.*)?$ /$2?lang=$1 break;

now when i change from http://domain.tld to http://domain.tld/LANG/ everything wirks fine..
BUT when i have http://domain.tld/LANG/subdir/script.php nginx show me "No input file specified. "

what is going wrong there? in apache the rule work ....
thanks in advance igor

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