From mini_httpd to nginx: cross-compilation
September 28, 2010 06:52PM
Hi. Here goes a completly nginx-newbie-question.

There are some years we are using an old version of mini_httpd in a project. It is being cross-compiled for a powerpc(32) architecture, using Denx's ELDK (Embedded Linux Development Kit).
Looking into nginx docs, regarding compilation, I've found some compilation options for ppc64 architectures.
The question is: anybody have compiled successfully nginx for a powerpc(32) architecture? Any notice about anybody compiling it using Denx's ELDK?

I've tried the obvious approach of specifying the path to the compiler with --with-cc in configure options. However, it refuses the compiler (as expected):

jeronimo@trebuchet:~/nginx-0.8.51$ ./configure --with-cc=/linuxppc/hardhat/devkit/ppc/82xx/bin/ppc_82xx-gcc
checking for OS
+ Linux 2.6.24-28-generic i686
checking for C compiler ... found but is not working

./configure: error: C compiler /linuxppc/hardhat/devkit/ppc/82xx/bin/ppc_82xx-gcc is not found

My machine is running ia32 Ubuntu 8.04, and I'm trying to compile to that other architecture.

Re: From mini_httpd to nginx: cross-compilation
September 28, 2010 06:55PM
Additional info:
we generally use the ELDK's architectures ppc_6xx and ppc_8xx.
Re: From mini_httpd to nginx: cross-compilation
November 04, 2010 03:00PM
just follow the rules
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