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Please hide the email address in Mailing list

Posted by TECK 
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Please hide the email address in Mailing list
March 25, 2009 06:57PM
Hi Jim,

Could you please obfuscate the email address into mailing list?
I already started to receive spam emails... :)

Thanks a lot for your help.

Re: Please hide the email address in Mailing list
March 25, 2009 07:45PM
I'll look into it, but you know they came from here how? It's easy to find [url=http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/155867]here[/url] and if I spend five minutes I'll find it in another hundred places.

Don't you have a spam filter that can take care of them?

Jim Ohlstein
Re: Please hide the email address in Mailing list
March 29, 2009 05:57PM
The idea is that you have all users and their emails exposed, while all other mailing lists have the email address encrypted. A simple spam robot will pick all emails and infect us all with tons of email, because they know all addresses are valid.
I would appreciate it if you could disable the entire listings, until you fix this issue.

EDIT: I see you already did that, very smart. One email address is listed for everyone. :)
Thanks for your help.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2009 06:01PM by TECK.
Re: Please hide the email address in Mailing list
March 29, 2009 07:51PM
TECK Wrote:
> The idea is that you have all users and their
> emails exposed, while all other mailing lists have
> the email address encrypted. A simple spam robot
> will pick all emails and infect us all with tons
> of email, because they know all addresses are
> valid.
> I would appreciate it if you could disable the
> entire listings, until you fix this issue.
> EDIT: I see you already did that, very smart. One
> email address is listed for everyone. :)
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards,

Ahhh.... the famous open mouth insert foot move.

I notice that you avoided my question. Probably because you were fibbing. Your email is posted ALL over the Internet. If you don't have an adequate spam filter, shame on you. One is always free to use dummy email accounts for each list, just like you do.

There is no expectation of privacy on an email list. Anyone can join any list and harvest the emails of anyone that posts. If you think that isn't done every day on every list you are either naïve or stupid. Which is it for you Florence?

You told me in a previous email that you had no intention of using this forum, that you were quite happy with the way things were. So one is left to wonder why you are here. Is it simply to harass and harangue? If so please just go lecture someone else somewhere else. Comprenez-vous?

Jim Ohlstein

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