Forum to mail gateway eats square bracket material.
December 16, 2009 09:03AM
If you post in forum that goes to mailing list, with content enclosed in square brackets, the forum will show the square brackets, but the mailing list will not. Content is completely lost on e-mail copy.

This happened to me with:

location = /base { [stuff] }
location ^~ /base { [different stuff] }

Shows up on mail like this:

location = /base { }
location ^~ /base { }

Maybe overzealous bbcode stripping bug?
Re: Forum to mail gateway eats square bracket material.
December 16, 2009 07:43PM
kyleb Wrote:
> Maybe overzealous bbcode stripping bug?

It's not a bug and I'd hardly call it "overzealous". It's the way bbcode is stripped in every forum software with which I've worked. The alternative is to have it show all bbcode in emails, definitely a worse solution. I'm not a "PHP guy" (I can hack a little but it's nasty) so I have no plans to fix it.The amount of time wouldn't be worth it. Feel free to write a better module if you like and I'll use it so long as it doesn't introduce other errors.

The alternative is to subscribe to the list and post to it via email. That, in fact, is much simpler than is dealing with the code and then having to re-fix it every time a minor version upgrade is released.

Jim Ohlstein
BB Code and HTML Stripping Issues
February 27, 2011 03:40PM
Hi Jim.

Moving on from the testy exchanges, I downloaded a copy of Phorum and had a look at the source to try to figure out what was causing the issues and I have some code that I think should resolve them.

Basically, the problem is in two lines of "function phorum_strip_body" of "/include/format_functions.php" which while they say "Strip HTML <tags>" and "Strip BB Code [tags]" can be more accurately described as "Strip <Everything_In_Here>" and Strip [Everything_In_Here]".

Ping me a note to my registration email address so we can take it further.

Probably best to install a test environment to try it out first before pushing it out live

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