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Configure my wordpress site with Nginx Without Losing the data?

Posted by Fareed Nawaz 
Configure my wordpress site with Nginx Without Losing the data?
December 19, 2021 07:34AM
My current hosting is not good at all. It has 3 times past month and the whole ranking of my two websites (https://www.noname.com/, https://noname.com/) has dropped significantly. Last month, the hosting was under DDoS attack, and my sites were caught in it. Strange symbols began to appear and the whole CSS was a mess.
I want to transfer my WordPress sites to Nginx without losing any data or CSS.
Is there any safe way to do such a thing?
I am using the GP premium theme.
2. wp smush and wp rocket.
3 Shortcode Ultimate
4.wordfence plgin
5. Kandence Blocker
and many more.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2021 10:30AM by itpp2012.
Re: Configure my wordpress site with Nginx Without Losing the data?
August 15, 2022 02:34PM
Hey Fareed,
I know hosting is a very important part of a website and sometimes it cause many problem, so you want to transfer your website from wordpress to nginx. I recently transferred my website (alightmotionguru.com) on it you can check it out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2022 02:36PM by James1224.
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