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Support for some markup, at least *bold* / <pre>code</pre>

Posted by 0liver 
Support for some markup, at least *bold* / <pre>code</pre>
May 15, 2013 12:32PM
Hi there,

just a few moments ago I posted an answer to a question in the "How to..." forum, and I was looking really hard to find a way to emphasize the most important parts of my answer and format the nginx configuration code for better readability. Unfortunately, I didn't find any way to do that. Here's what I tried:

- using simple html markup like <b>this should be bold</b>
- using markdown markup like **this should be bold**
- using BBCode markup like [b]this should be bold[/b]

Are there any supported ways to highlight part of a post or is it all plain text?

blog: http://shades-of-orange.com/
home: http://teamaton.com/
Re: Support for some markup, at least *bold* / <pre>code</pre>
March 04, 2014 03:39PM
Hmm, well according to the footer, this forum runs Phorum, which runs BBcode.
So [b]this should be bold[/b] and [i]this should be italic[/b] and [code]this should be code format[/code].

Unless something is misconfigured or broken of course. Let's click "post" and see :)

EDIT: OK, there's my answer - something is broken :(

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2014 03:39PM by talkingnews.
Re: Support for some markup, at least *bold* / <pre>code</pre>
March 04, 2014 05:06PM
Hmm, well that would be an ASSumption.

Evidently, you have not considered that there is yet another possibility. Perhaps it is intentionally disabled?

Hint: it *is* disabled, and there *is* a reason. Consider that you use this site as a portal to a mailing list when you think about what that reason might be.

Jim Ohlstein
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