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Update Symfony-nginx-configuration

Posted by SimonSimCity 
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Update Symfony-nginx-configuration
August 05, 2011 05:29AM
Hi, All

Can you please extend the Symfony-basic nginx-configuration? Here's the way I configured my environment.
One special way that I wanna share with all other people is the switch between the development- and the production-environment.
In my example it's done by a cookie.

By default you'll access the development-env. But if you've added the cookie "env=prod" you switch to the production-environment. Using this you can easily test both environments by only changing the value of the cookie.
I also use all *.sf2 domains in my local network to be passed to this server (because there's no sf2 top-level-domain). But maybe this is not one of the best practices because if you wanna sign a facebook-app, a paypal-sandbox-account or something like that you have to set up another domain that could pass this validation (copied from the framework FLOW3):


--> I don't know if the rest of this configuration is some best-practice ... but it works for me. If you have some great improvements - just write.

server {
root /var/www/$host/web;

set $php_run "app_dev.php";
if ($http_cookie ~* "env=prod(?:;|$)") {
set $php_run "app.php";

index $php_run;

server_name *.sf2;

location / {
if (-f $request_filename) {

if (-d $request_filename) {

rewrite .* /$php_run last;
return 200;

# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_index $php_run;
include fastcgi_params;
This configuration is also attached as file.
open | download - sf2.dev.txt (542 bytes)

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