My name is Harrison. I am setting up a project management server for my office, and can't seem to access files stored on the remote server. Here is some detail:
I have a cloudatcost server running Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS. On that server I installed Taiga, which is a web based project management software. Taiga uses nginx to store and serve files relating to its projects. I can access the files from a web browser opened on the virtual machine. I cannot access the files from any other location. When I try to open a PDF, for example, it opens in a new web browser page at the address localhost:8000........... But I want it to look to <server ip address>:8000........ to find the file. I can change localhost to the server's IP and the file appears and is downloadable. So, I need to change localhost in the address to the ip address of the server. I just don't know how to do that.
I am not sure I am in the right place to ask this question, but I don't believe it is a complicated issue so I am hoping someone will be able to shed some light or direct me to the right place.