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Chmod -R 777 in nginx.conf file not working!

Posted by eveares 
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Chmod -R 777 in nginx.conf file not working!
April 02, 2014 05:58PM
Hi, all and welcome to my first post. I have just stated using nginx after using Apache for many years, and run into my first problem.

I don't know how to apply chmod 777 to a folder in my sites directory? I tried this "chmod -R 777 /folder1/folder2/folder3" ,but it just prevented nginx from starting. I am using windows binaries if any relevance.

In essence I want to know how to do the equivalent of chmod 777 with nginx. My nginx.conf file is the defult one.

Also, where can i learn more about the default conf file?

Regards: Elliott V
Re: Chmod -R 777 in nginx.conf file not working!
April 03, 2014 02:27AM
You don't need to chmod anything on Windows, check the logfiles for messages why nginx doesn't start.
Documentation can be found http://nginx.org/en/ and http://nginx.org/en/docs/

nginx for Windows http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/

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