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[ANNOUNCE] PHP-FPM standalone - new branch/implementation of the code

Posted by mike 
[ANNOUNCE] PHP-FPM standalone - new branch/implementation of the code
July 30, 2009 05:18PM
Andrei came back from the dead quick and wound up getting some time to
hack out PHP-FPM from being a patch into PHP.

At the moment consider this untested, and I'm still working on getting
more info up on launchpad etc.

However, now all that is required is PHP sources to build against
(which makes binary distribution of it very easy at least) - ideally
i'd like to see it not require PHP sources...

Anyway, this should make it much easier to adopt, and it keeps it
separate from the mainline PHP core, which means this project can move
as fast as people can contribute.

Hopefully some C hackers will join up and we can try to knock out some
of the feature requests, check for bugs, etc. If anyone knows how to
write test cases or buildbot scripts, I have a lot of different
hardware and operating systems I can test building on (just about
everything except SPARCs) - I've got 32 and 64 bit x86 machines and
probably an IA64 machine soon - and lots of different distributions of
Linux and BSD etc. My ultimate goal is to get lots of eyes on the
code, mature it, enhance it and build a proper development community
around it (feature requests, bug reports, etc)

Go ahead and join the project, I think anyone can also check out the
code too. It will compile against vanilla php 5.2.10 sources


Anyone who is interested in contributing let me know.

- Money (if we need to hire/accelerate something)
- Test cases (make sure PHP-FPM works properly under different configurations)
- Coders - C of course

Once again all the thanks goes to Andrei, I was hoping he would get
back to me and say "yeah, go ahead and release the code out there" in
case he wanted to change a few more things before it went public, but
I'd rather get it out there now. He can always merge changes back in,
that's the great thing about tools like bzr!

Any questions, let me know. Andrei had a meeting with some of the
PHP/PECL developers and this was the decision he thinks is the best. I
agree on everything except I wish it didn't need PHP sources to build
against. :) If someone is able to figure that one out even cooler!
Good news!
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