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Posted by Jason 
July 22, 2009 11:21AM
Just sent a tiny contribution. When our projects actually go live I'd
be glad to send more + a developer or two from time to time. -Jason
Re: Contribution
July 22, 2009 01:07PM
Thank you sir - I'm waiting to hear back from Andrei if he's cool with
me dumping his last iteration of code out to the public. I've started
a launchpad project for it, but since he did some new code I just want
to run it by him quick. I don't know if he has some more code he'd
like to throw out there first or not.

Launchpad will make it easy to collect bugs, feature requests,
developer collaboration and it even has a built-in translation
interface :P

As soon as I get word I'll announce the project and we can hopefully
start getting some more things done - since it uses bzr it will make
it easy for distributed development and more people can contribute,
branch their code, test things, merge it back, etc.

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Jason<jason.giedymin@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just sent a tiny contribution.  When our projects actually go live I'd
> be glad to send more + a developer or two from time to time.  -Jason
> Giedymin
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