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Anyone have any issues with PHP-FPM seeming to 'cache' scripts?

Posted by mike 
Anyone have any issues with PHP-FPM seeming to 'cache' scripts?
July 02, 2009 09:22PM
I am having an issue on two similar machines and a third one. Using
both 5.2.8 and 5.2.9 I think. Might even be using 5.2.10 on one.

I'll make a change to a script and the script doesn't take effect. I
do a "service php-fpm restart" and boom - my changes are there.

I've disabled nginx's fastcgi_cache (it's disabled by default) which
shouldn't be the culprit but I've made sure of it.

Underlying filesystem is xfs, OS is CentOS 5.3, fully updated, it
seems like it's something to do being cached in RAM or in a temporary
space on the disk somewhere, because restarting the service it works.
I can reproduce this over and over sometimes.

Anyone have any ideas? At first I thought faulty RAM - that still
could be the case. I was going to go back to a previous version of PHP
and see if it has the same issues, too.
На Friday 03 July 2009 03:22:21 Michael Shadle написа:
> I am having an issue on two similar machines and a third one. Using
> both 5.2.8 and 5.2.9 I think. Might even be using 5.2.10 on one.
> I'll make a change to a script and the script doesn't take effect. I
> do a "service php-fpm restart" and boom - my changes are there.
> I've disabled nginx's fastcgi_cache (it's disabled by default) which
> shouldn't be the culprit but I've made sure of it.
> Underlying filesystem is xfs, OS is CentOS 5.3, fully updated, it
> seems like it's something to do being cached in RAM or in a temporary
> space on the disk somewhere, because restarting the service it works.
> I can reproduce this over and over sometimes.
> Anyone have any ideas? At first I thought faulty RAM - that still
> could be the case. I was going to go back to a previous version of PHP
> and see if it has the same issues, too.

Are you using an opcode cacher?

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Re: Anyone have any issues with PHP-FPM seeming to 'cache' scripts?
July 03, 2009 04:06AM
On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 12:36 AM, Momchil Ivanov<slogster@gmail.com> wrote:

> Are you using an opcode cacher?

I forgot - no, I've disabled APC, that's the only opcode cache that I
was using. I thought that was the culprit but it definitely wasn't.
File buffer? File Lock? Varnish? Squid?

I'd try an ext3 mount to rule out the file system.

On Jul 3, 4:06
Re: Anyone have any issues with PHP-FPM seeming to 'cache' scripts?
July 03, 2009 05:06PM
No proxies in place. Only nginx (with no cache) and it seems to fix
when I restart php-fpm. So i don't think the stack in front of php
caching anything is the culprit unless it has some sort of etag or
expires headers it was listening for. Either way then something is
still not informing the system of a change. But I'm convinced
something is going on with filesystem, shared memory, ram caches that
php-fpm is using.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 3, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Jason <jason.giedymin@gmail.com> wrote:

> File buffer? File Lock? Varnish? Squid?
> I'd try an ext3 mount to rule out the file system.
> On Jul 3, 4:06 am, Michael Shadle <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 12:36 AM, Momchil Ivanov<slogs...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Are you using an opcode cacher?
>> I forgot - no, I've disabled APC, that's the only opcode cache that I
>> was using. I thought that was the culprit but it definitely wasn't.
On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Michael Shadle<mike503@gmail.com> wrote:
> No proxies in place. Only nginx (with no cache) and it seems to fix when I
> restart php-fpm. So i don't think the stack in front of php caching anything
> is the culprit unless it has some sort of etag or expires headers it was
> listening for. Either way then something is still not informing the system
> of a change. But I'm convinced something is going on with filesystem, shared
> memory, ram caches that php-fpm is using.

Check the browser. I've been having the same issue occasionally. I
think it is nginx, rather than php-fpm. Seems that the browser is
being told the file hasn't been modified, so the browser loads from
cache. <CTRL>+<F5> loads the fresh page for me.
Re: Anyone have any issues with PHP-FPM seeming to 'cache' scripts?
July 03, 2009 08:22PM
On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Gordon Pettey<petteyg359@gmail.com> wrote:

> Check the browser. I've been having the same issue occasionally. I
> think it is nginx, rather than php-fpm. Seems that the browser is
> being told the file hasn't been modified, so the browser loads from
> cache. <CTRL>+<F5> loads the fresh page for me.

I'm used to this behavior and would be very embarrased if it was the
case. I also don't see how it would tie in with restarting php-fpm...

However next time it happens I'll try it just in case. :)
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