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php-fpm + Apache minus suphp

Posted by Fuji 
php-fpm + Apache minus suphp
June 30, 2009 09:05AM

After searching long and hard to get a good suphp replace I have
atlast found php-fpm. booyah!

Hoping you guys can help a newbie out. I currently have Apache and
suphp to run as a specific user.

1) Is there any clear documentation on how to install php-fpm with
apache as the webserver and set the current user so I can get rid of

2) Is there a way to test to see if suphp has indeed been replaced by
php-fpm and the server isnt going behind my back and still using
suphp? (yes - I am that new to this :)

Thanks in advance,
Re: php-fpm + Apache minus suphp
June 30, 2009 12:46PM
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 6:05 AM, Fuji<fujipadam@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1) Is there any clear documentation on how to install php-fpm with
> apache as the webserver and set the current user so I can get rid of
> suphp?

php-fpm is webserver agnostic. you can run it without a webserver on
the machine (just remember to bind it to a tcp port so the other
machines can talk to it... or use a socket over nfs, but i believe
that is a "really bad idea"(tm))

we should get something for people who are using other webservers,
just some quick examples. apache has mod_fcgid and mod_fastcgi last i
recall, and both were annoying to me. so i can't personally help
there, but if you can find examples of your apache version + one of
those two (you may have to google for which is better) then you just
need to change the fastcgi address or socket location for each
different pool you want to direct traffic to. (see below)

> 2) Is there a way to test to see if suphp has indeed been replaced by
> php-fpm and the server isnt going behind my back and still using
> suphp? (yes - I am that new to this :)

setup a pool for each user you want, and then in your webserver
configuration you point the fastcgi address to that specific socket or
port. i usually use $userid + 10000, to make it easier. so if my
userid is 1001, my tcp port would be 11001. that ensures no conflicts
(unless another daemon is running on one of those ports, but the only
port i know of off the top of my head is 11211 for memcached, and
that's a lot of users)

suphp does not scale at all, i tried it for a little bit - it
literally forks a php-cgi process (from what i'm told) each request.
php-fpm keeps a pool of processes around just like apache for instance
- you define how many children you want (roughly how many concurrent
requests you expect is usually the guideline)
Re: php-fpm + Apache minus suphp
June 30, 2009 08:33PM
NFS should not work.
the socket file is just a filename, not a pipe.

2009/7/1 Michael Shadle

> php-fpm is webserver agnostic. you can run it without a webserver on
> the machine (just remember to bind it to a tcp port so the other
> machines can talk to it... or use a socket over nfs, but i believe
> that is a "really bad idea"(tm))

Ren Xiaolei
Re: php-fpm + Apache minus suphp
June 30, 2009 08:37PM
I thought you could. Not that I ever thought it was a good enough idea
to try or really recommend. :)

I stand corrected then!

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 5:33 PM, 任晓磊<julyclyde@gmail.com> wrote:
> NFS should not work.
> the socket file is just a filename, not a pipe.
> 2009/7/1 Michael Shadle <mike503@gmail.com>
>> php-fpm is webserver agnostic. you can run it without a webserver on
>> the machine (just remember to bind it to a tcp port so the other
>> machines can talk to it... or use a socket over nfs, but i believe
>> that is a "really bad idea"(tm))
> --
> Ren Xiaolei
Re: php-fpm + Apache minus suphp
July 08, 2009 09:33PM
Thanks for your help mike. Since I am far from knowledgble about php-
fpm, I tried to have my "managed" VPS admins install this. They
refused citing in-adequated documentation and cpanel not supporting
it. So much for managed hosting huh? So now will try to hire an
external Sys ad to do this :)
Re: php-fpm + Apache minus suphp
July 08, 2009 10:12PM
How much you paying ?:)

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 8, 2009, at 6:33 PM, Fuji <fujipadam@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your help mike. Since I am far from knowledgble about php-
> fpm, I tried to have my "managed" VPS admins install this. They
> refused citing in-adequated documentation and cpanel not supporting
> it. So much for managed hosting huh? So now will try to hire an
> external Sys ad to do this :)
Re: php-fpm + Apache minus suphp
July 14, 2009 03:22PM
lol - about 70$ I guess (2 hours of serverbuddies(dot)com time). But
am thinking about moving to a different server so might hold off on
this until then

On Jul 8, 9:12
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